Microsoft on Monday announced that Windows 10 would hit the market on July 29, nearly three years after the company launched Windows 8. Windows 10 will initially be available for laptops and PCs and Microsoft hasn't yet announced when smartphones and tablets will get the upgrade. The company hasn't yet announced pricing details for Windows 10, although the final retail price has been tipped. In a blog post , Microsoft's Executive Vice President of Operating Systems Terry Myerson wrote, "Today, I'm excited to share the availability date for Windows 10. In fact, I thought I'd let Cortana, the world's most personal digital assistant, share the news. You can ask Cortana for the answer!" He also wrote that four million people have been testing Windows 10 through Microsoft's Windows Insider programme. Windows 10 will be available as a free upgrade to all users of Windows 7 SP1 and Windows 8.1, Microsoft notes. To get Windows 10 on launch ...