Facebook Finally Working On a ‘Dislike’ button, Says Mark Zuckerberg
Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg has revealed that the company is working on a dislike button for its social network. He dded that the “Dislike” button will not work like Reddit’s up and downvote mechanism.
Mark said during a live Q&A session at Facebook HQ, that the company will soon make the dislike button ready for users to test. He stated that the dislike button is not a way to “downvote” someone’s post but essentially a way to “express empathy” as not “every moment is a good moment”. Citing an example about the Syrian refugee crisis, he said that the company realized people want to express emotions other than positivity and the dislike button will serve the purpose in such situations.
Zuckerberg didn’t explain exactly how a dislike button would work and it is not confirmed yet if the button will be called “Dislike”. He said that they will roll out the dislike button broadly after checking how are the users taking it. A “dislike” button has been constantly requested by some users since the introduction of the now-iconic “like” button in 2009.
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